Tawaran Hibah Penelitian Riset SINAS 2013

Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi mengundang Industri, LPNK, Balitbang Kementerian, Balitbangda, Perguruan Tinggi dan Yayasan/LSM Litbang untuk menyampaikan Proposal Baru atau Proposal Lanjutan Insentif Riset Sinas, dengan ketentuan:

  1. Proposal mengacu pada Pedoman Insentif Riset SINas tahun 2013.
  2. Pendaftaran secara online dan upload Proposal Lengkap (Format PDF) melalui website http://www.ristek.go.id.
  3. Batas waktu mulai tanggal 19 Juni s.d 31 Juli 2012.
  4. Mekanisme seleksi: desk evaluation oleh pakar independen.
  5. Hasil seleksi akhir: November 2012 melalui http://www.ristek.go.id.

Informasi lebih lanjut dapat menghubungi Sekretariat Insentif Riset SINas.

Sekretariat Insentif Riset SINas,

Gedung II BPPT, Lt. 6. Jl. MH Thamrin No. 8 Jakarta 10340. Call Center: Telp. 021-3169197, HP.081298231176 / 78,
Email: insinas@ristek.go.id

Info lebih lanjut : insentif.ristek.go.id/Main.php

Beasiswa CIMB Group (deadline 8 July 2012)

To apply for the CIMB Regional Scholarship, you must:

  • Be a citizen of any ASEAN country.
  • Have gained unconditional acceptance at a top graduate school to pursue a postgraduate degree programme in genetics or nutrition. The offer must remain valid when the CIMB Regional Scholarship is awarded.
  • Hold a Bachelor’s Degree with minimum CGPA of 3.00/4.00 or equivalent (for Master’s Degree applicants), or a Master’s Degree with a good examiner’s report or equivalent (for Doctoral Degree applicants) that is relevant to the course or field applied.
  • Not hold any other scholarships, awards or grants that come with any contractual obligation on your part.

Relevant work experience, where applicable, is an added advantage.

The CIMB Regional Scholarship is a full scholarship award covering all academic fees including registration, tuition and examination fees, a book allowance, as well as other expenses such as accommodation, airfare, travel documents and other related expenses.

The field of this scholarship :


DNA is the hereditary molecule that is found in all living cells. It is the simplest building block of life that is responsible for the observable diversity across and between all species. Ever since the double helix was discovered by Watson and Crick, research into genetics has increased exponentially. The implications of genetic research have been paramount to advances in many fields such as medicine and agriculture.

If your passion lies in the following areas, we would like to support you in the quest for another breakthrough in the area of genetic research.

  • Genomics
  • Ecological Genetics / Conservation Genetics
  • Behavioural Genetics / Psychiatric Genetics
  • Genetic Engineering
  • Genetic Medicine / Clinical Genetics


In terms of nutritional science, studies on the responses of the human body to diet and nutrients are essential for the continued well-being of ASEAN communities. This is particularly important in combating malnutrition, obesity and other health issues. In addition, given the significance of agriculture to the region’s economy and food self-sufficiency, plant nutrition and animal nutrition in relation to livestock are also key areas of research.

If you are passionate about making a difference through the following areas of nutrition, we would like to bring you a step closer towards realising your dreams:

  • Human Nutrition
  • Animal Nutrition
  • Plant Nutrition

More information : http://www.cimb.com/index.php?ch=g2_csr&pg=g2_csr_content&ac=1&tpt=cimb_group

Beasiswa Pascasarjana Australian Development Scholarships (ADS)

Dalam rangka kerjasama pembangunan antara Pemerintah Australia dan Pemerintah Indonesia untuk mencapai pembangunan Negara Indonesia yang demokratis, aman dan makmur, Pemerintah Australia melalui AusAID (the Australian Agency for International Development) setiap tahunnya menyediakan lebih dari 400 beasiswa pascasarjana – Australian Development Scholarships (ADS) untuk para pegawai negeri sipil, tenaga-tenaga LSM Indonesia, dosen perguruan tinggi negeri dan swasta, dan perorangan untuk mengikuti program pasca sarjana (Master dan Doktor) di institusi-institusi terkemuka di Australia.

Terkait hal diatas kami informasikan bahwa untuk periode aplikasi tahun 2012/13 proses pendaftaran untuk mengikuti program ini akan dibuka pada 12 Maret s/d 17 Agustus 2012. Bersama surat ini pula kami dari kantor Coffey International Development selaku pihak pelaksana program ADS di Indonesia, melampirkan formulir aplikasi program ADS untuk periode 2012/13. Terlampir juga kami sertakan informasi tentang persyaratan dan tata cara melamar.

Mengingat kami tidak mempunyai kantor cabang di daerah, maka kami mohon bantuan bapak/ibu untuk dapat mendistribusikan informasi dan formulir ADS ini kepada para peminat program ADS yang memenuhi persyaratan seperti yang tertera dalam lampiran. Jika anda membutuhkan informasi lebih lanjut silahkan menghubungi kantor ADS pada alamat yang tertera di bagian bawah surat ini, atau mengunjungi website kami di http://www.australiaawardsindo.or.id

Beasiswa DAAD Germany Deadline: 31 July 2012

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) – Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst – supports a range of postgraduate courses at German universities which aim at providing academically educated young professionals from Developing Countries with further specialized studies. The DAAD supports these selected programs with a certain quota of scholarships and with financial assistance for a special tutoring system. At the end of the course (programs run 12 to 36 months, depending on the particular institution) participants can obtain an internationally recognized Master’s or in some courses PhD degree.

Target group:

University teaching staff, researchers and professionals holding an academic degree and with at least two years of experience in the public or private institutions in the following areas:

  • Economic Sciences / Business Administration/ Political Economics
  • Development Co-operation
  • Engineering and related sciences
  • Mathematics
  • Regional Planning
  • Agricultural and Forest Sciences
  • Environmental Sciences
  • Medicine/Public Health, and Veterinary Medicine
  • Social Science, Education and Law
  • Media Studies

Criteria for applying:

  • Age limit: 36 years of age at the time of application (for some courses 32 years)
    For some courses, Bachelor degree should have been completed not longer than 6 years at the time of application. Concerning this matter, please directly contact the coordinator of the respective study program
  • Degree: Bachelor or Master
  • GPA: min 2,75 for Master candidates (some study programs applied GPA more than 2,75. Please see the detail on the website of each study program) and 3,00 for Doctoral candidates
  • Work experience: at least two years after completing Bachelor degree.
  • Language skill:
  • For postgraduate courses held in English request an international TOEFL (minimum score: 550 paper based, 213 computer based, 80 internet based) or IELTS (band 6). Some courses may expect a different level. For detailed information see the website of the relevant course.
  • For postgraduate courses held in German: please see the details on the course list. Certain level of German language exam may be required before admission to the course.

Information and DAAD form are available from the:

DAAD Jakarta Office
Summitmas II, Lt. 14
Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Kav. 61-62
Jakarta 12190

Consultation hours: Monday – Thursday, 1:30pm – 4:00pm
Contact person: Ms. Dwi Nurlianti/Ms. Muji Rahayu
Phone: (021) 520 0870 / 525 2807
Fax: (021) 525 2822
E-mail: info@daadjkt.org



Beasiswa Pascasarjana Gizi (S2) UGM

Berikut ini Persyaratan pendaftaran:

  1. Berbudi Luhur
  2. Bebas Napza yang ditunjukkan dengan surat keterangan dari dokter
  3. Lulus S1 dari UGM, UI, ITB, IPB, Unair, atau ITS
  4. Usia sampai tanggal 1 september 2012 maksimal 25 tahun dan tahun ijazah 2010-2012
  5. IPK minimal 3,25
  6. TOEFL/AcEPT skor minimal 500
  7. TPA OTTO BAPPENAS/PAPS skor minimal 500
  8. Melampirkan bukti pendaftaran bahwa calon telah terdaftar pada salah satu program studi/minat di SPs UGM
  9. Bersedia menerima beban tugas dari SPs selama menerima beasiswa

Waktu pendaftaran 12 Maret s/d 21 Juni 2012
Hari : Senin s/d Kamis
Pukul : 07.30-15.30 WIB
Hari : Jumat
Pukul : 07.30-14.30 WIB